Evaluation of the lateral stability of an automobile with nonlinear component to increasing magnitude gust and tire load.

Mahig, J.

The simulation presented evaluated the response of the vehicle suspension system to suddenly applied external impulses which are identified as caused by wind gust and road disturbance. This analysis considers only the effect on the lateral stability of the vehicle. Thus this representation is assumed completely decoupled from the longitudinal dynamics of the vehicle. Proceeding in this fashion makes it possible to study the effect of large wind gust and lateral road impacts on the lateral stability of a vehicle containing nonlineair tire characteristics. The effects in the nonlineair region are clearly demonstrated with the aid of a conventional root locus plot.

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B 15514 fo /23/91/

New York, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1971, 12 p., fig., graph., ref.; SAE paper No. 710287

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