Evaluation of lost time at a signalised intersection.

Soegondo, T. Tamin, O.Z. & Fauzan, M.N.

The ability of a signalised intersection to overcome the traffic conflicts can be shown from its ability to increase the traffic safety, to reduce the traffic delay and to increase the capacity of the intersection. Some important factors that have to be taken into account which will affect the capacity of a signalised intersection are: saturation flow, traffic composition, cycle time, phase, lane separation, lost time, etc. The lost time occurred at a signalised intersection and is one of the most important factors which has had less attention by many researchers. There are some factors that have to be considered which will affect the lost time such as: late start, driver behaviour, number of phases, etc. However in Indonesia, the driver behaviour factor is more important than the other factors mentioned above. One obvious example is that the drivers in Indonesia tend to pass during the red aspect and, therefore, the vehicles from the subsequent phase which have green aspect will lose some of their time to reach the saturation flow condition. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to evaluate the lost time due to this driver behaviour which occurs at some signalised intersections in Bandung. (A)

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C 6654 (In: C 6625) /71 /73 / IRRD 823289

In: Proceedings of the sixth conference of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Kuala Lumpur, 4-10 March, 1990 : Volume 3, Session 12, Paper 7, 21 p., 10 ref.

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