An evaluation of the moving observer method of measuring traffic speeds and flows.

O'Flaherty, C.A. & Simons, F.

The moving observer technique whereby information on speeds, flows and journey times is obtained by observers in a moving vehicle in a traffic stream is investigated to determine the usefulness of this method under differing traffic conditions. The method is most applicable to peak period traffic conditions. Data for off-peak and peak-flow conditions are given.

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A 9841 (In: A 9817 [electronic version only]) IRRD 55736

In: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Australian Road Research Board, Canberra, 1970, vol. 5(1970) prt. 3blz. 40 /54 paper no. 685 Presented at the 5th conference ARRB, Canberra 1970.

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