Evaluation of New York state's mandatory occupant restraint law : 1985 fatalities and injuries.

McCartt, A.T. Dowling, A.M. & Rood, D.H.

Using data from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicle's automated accident file, analyses were conducted to determine whether the pattern of injuries and fatalities sustained by these occupants in 1985, the first year of the law's implementation, differed from a baseline period prior to the law. Based on a comparison of the 1985 actual injury /fatality pattern with the pattern that would have been expected without the law, it is estimated that 220 fewer persons were killed in 1985.

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B 26267 (In: B 26251) [electronic version only] /84 /91 / IRRD 809737

In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 28-30, 1987, p. 255-268, 5 tab., 8 ref.

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