Evaluation of the novice driver training models "Accompanied driving from 17” and “Voluntary further training seminars for holders of probationary driving licences” : results up to November 2009.

Willmes-Lenz, G. Prücher, F. & Großmann, H.

The present report is a compilation of the evaluation results obtained by the end of 2009 in respect of the experimental novice driver training models “Voluntary further training seminars for holders of probationary driving licences” (here: “VFT model”) and “Accompanied driving from 17” (here: “AD17 model”). These models were initially introduced on a trial basis in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and are to be evaluated and tested with regard to their road safety effectiveness before the government makes a decision on permanent integration into the driver licensing system. Alongside the question of road safety effectiveness (summative evaluation), the studies are also to analyse the experience gained from practical implementation of the individual concepts (process/formative evaluation). Whereas the safety impact is of direct significance for the decision on permanent adoption of the models, the results of the process evaluation are important independently of this decision for considerations of the possibilities for concept optimisation. (Author/publisher)

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C 49623 [electronic version only] /83 /

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Section U4 Driver Training Driver Improvement, FSF, BF17, 2010, 30 + 26 p., 11 + 7 ref.

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