Evaluation of occupant protection from responses measured in laboratory tests.

Horsch, J.D.

Occupant protection evaluation which relies on analysis of laboratory tests using both an injury probability interpretation of test responses and consideration of exposure frequency produces a perceived injury distribution over a broad range of crash severalties that appears similar to that for occupants injured in car crashes. Implicit in assuring low injury risk is an objective interpretation of laboratory test responses which considers the distribution of car occupant tolerances.

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B 26615 (In: B 26613) /84 /91 / IRRD 812360

In: Restraint technologies: Front seat occupant protection. SAE Publication SP-690. Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 23-27, 1987, p. 13-32, 3 fig., 26 graph., 34 ref. SAE Paper No. 870222.

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