Evaluation of the potential safety benefits of collision avoidance technologies through vehicle to vehicle Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) in Australia.

Taranto, D. Young, K. & Logan, D.

For years, improvements in driver behaviour, vehicle safety and road infrastructure have made the road network much safer. As roads become safer, many economic benefits are achieved for society, both direct and indirect. In the past, the primary focus for safety was secondary safety, or crashworthiness, but with the advent of cheaper and more powerful electronics and increasing research and development, efforts are being directed at preventing crashes from occurring. Electronic Stability Control (ESC), for example, detects the onset of the loss of control of a vehicle and attempts to maintain the driver’s intended direction of travel by applying selective braking and reducing engine power. It is preferable to anticipate a potential crash situation much earlier and therefore provide the driver with more options for preventing a collision. In order to do this, it is firstly necessary for vehicles to be able to detect approaching potential collision partners. Dedicated Short Range Communication, or DSRC, is a short to medium range communication service that operates at a frequency of 5.9GHz, allocated for automotive and transportation use. It is designed to allow for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. This report aims to estimate the potential reductions in serious casualties in Australia from widespread adoption of DSRC-based technologies. A literature review was conducted of current projects around the world, focusing on DSRC-related reductions in crash rates. (Author/publisher)

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20110517 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2011, III + 23 p., ref.; AUSTROADS Research Report AP-R375/11 - ISBN 978-1-921709-61-6

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