Evaluation of railroad preemption capabilities of traffic signalcontrollers.

Marshall, P.S. & Berg, W.D.

The subject of railroad pre-emption has historically not received much attention in professional literature. All aspects of pre-emption need to be studied and reported on in greater detail. This research examined and compared the pre-emption capabilities of a number of currently marketed actuated traffic signal controllers based on the national electrical manufacturers association standard. Shortcomings in their pre-emption logic were identified, and pre-emption issues were discussed in terms of their operations. The evaluation was conducted from a pragmatic point of view to determine whether modern controllers allow practical and reasonable pre-emption design in conformance with accepted traffic engineering practice. Recommendations are offered with respect to minimum desirable operational capabilities, as well as railroad pre-emption nomenclature and user documentation.

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C 18909 (In: C 18903 S) /73 / IRRD 837661

In: Traffic control devices for highways, work zones, and railroad grade crossings 1990, Transportation Research Record TRR 1254, p. 44-49, 4 ref.

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