An evaluation of red shoulders as a bicycle and pedestrian facility. Prepared for the Florida Department of Transportation, Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety.

Hunter, W.W.

Use of colour has been popular in European bicycle facilities. As an innovative treatment, the community of Tavares, Florida decided to add one mile of shoulders to a scenic roadway and paint the shoulders red to emphasize their use as a bicycle facility. The red shoulders were evaluated by examining: ( 1) motor vehicle speed data collected before and after the addition of the red shoulders; (2) the amount of use of the shoulder by bicyclists; (3) the lateral positioning of bicyclists being passed by motor vehicles; (4) the amount and severity of vehicular encroachment into the opposing lane of travel; and (5) by examining conflicts between bicycles and motor vehicles. (Author/publisher)

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C 42447 [electronic version only]

Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina UNC, Highway Safety Research Center HSRC, 1998, 30 p.

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