An evaluation of road safety innovation in Australia : CrashCam.

Lee, D. & Chee, D.

A method of capturing live crash data was seen as a significant improvement in the ability to monitor and assess this information and evaluate/improve safety outcomes. An audio-visual technology has been developed that enables footage of crash and near-miss events to be captured on video. This hi-tech automated incident recording system, commonly known as "CrashCam", has been trialled by the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW to capture traffic incidents and crashes at blackspot locations in the Sydney road network. Parsons Brinckerhoff was commissioned to evaluate the effectiveness of the system in terms of its ability to capture valid images for crash trends and document any dangerous road user behaviours. Following the assessment from three trial sites under different road environments, the CrashCam showed positive results in providing information on what road users were doing before the incidents. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E212956.

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C 39616 (In: C 39601 CD-ROM) /83 /82 / ITRD E212971

In: Priority treatment : juggling competing demands : conference papers 2005 AITPM National Conference, Sofitel Brisbane, 27-29 July 2005, p. 291-303

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