Evaluation of safety critical event triggers in the UDrive data.

Guyonvarch, L. Lecuyer, E. & Buffat, S.

The understanding of the root causes of traffic collisions has taken a new turn with naturalistic driving studies. Naturalistic driving Data bring insight into normal behavior on the road and help characterize safety related and safety critical events (SCEs) through kinematic triggers and video analysis. The UDRIVE Database includes two million kilometers of naturalistic driving and was recorded in five European countries between 2015 and 2017. Given the large volume of raw data considered, the performance of these kinematic triggers in detecting SCEs should be carefully evaluated to optimize the human resources required to discard false positive events. The aim of the present article is twofold: (i) to describe the triggers used to detect safety critical events from the UDRIVE Database and (ii) to discuss the relevance of SCE triggers performance evaluation used in the literature. (Author/publisher)

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20200525 ST [electronic version only]

Safety Science, Vol. 132 (December 2020), Article 104937, 9 p., 16 ref.

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