Evaluation of selective traffic enforcement programs. Prepared for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA.


The report presents the evaluations of the first 18 months of the STEP programs in Sacramento, El Paso, and Chattanooga. The primary purpose of STEP is to demonstrate and evaluate countermeasures designed specifically to reduce motor vehicle traffic accidents. For this purpose, 14 police enforcement countermeasures were designed to be tested in a quasi-experimental environment. To support this effort, additional countermeasures were developed in the areas of public information, traffic engineering, and court procedures. Of the 14 police countermeasures originally established, nine have been tested among the three cities.

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B 24222 MF [electronic version only]

McLean, VA, PRC Public Management Services, 1974, 156 p., tab.; DOT HS 801 112 Interim Report

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