Evaluation of soil-reinforcement interaction by large-scale pull-out tests.

Bonczkiewicz, C. Christopher, B.R. & Atmatzidis, D.K.

Pull-out tests were conducted to evaluate soil-reinforcement interaction for various types of geotextiles and geogrids under varying normal load and soil conditions. All tests were performed using a 4.4 ft x 2.3 ft x 1.5 ft pull-out box and consistent test procedures.Iterative strain measurements were made using wire extensometers mounted along the length of the material to evaluate in-soil strain response and stress transfer. In all, 10 different reinforcement materials were evaluated, including slit-film and coarse woven geotextiles, needle-punched and heat-bonded nonwoven geotextiles, and two types of geogrid. In addition, comparative results were obtained for metal and fiber strip reinforcements. Pull-out resistance was reported as a function of applied normal load. Soil-reinforcement resistance coefficients were found by several methods and are presented as shear stress versus normal stress plots. Load transfer behaviour is discussed in terms of observed stress-strain behaviour.

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C 15616 (In: C 15615 S) /22 /23 /42 / IRRD 827594

In: Effects of geosynthetics on soil properties and of environment on pavement systems : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1188, p. 1-18, 10 ref.

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