Evaluation of a Stimulation Plan for municipalities in The Netherlands.

Wegman, F.C.M. Selm, J. van & Herweijer, M.

The topic of this paper is the evaluation of the Stimulation Plan "Actie -25%" for municipalities in The Netherlands. The SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research was assigned to conduct the evaluation study. Two central questions were at issue: (1) Did "Actie -25%, for instance, did the extra (municipal) activities resulting from "Actie -25%", lead to fewer road accident casualties?; and (2) in which ways did the organisation of "Actie -25%" lead to extra (municipal) activities? Can one expect changes in organisation and implementation to lead to increased or better participation of municipalities?


C 244 (In: C 221 [electronic version only]) /21 /72 /81 /82 /83 / IRRD 847912

In: Enforcement and rewarding : strategies and effects : proceedings of the International Road Safety Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark, September 19-21, 1990, p. 129-133, 8 ref.


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