Evaluation of test passing lanes on the Trans- Canada Highway in Banff National Park.

Morrall, J.F. & Blight, L.

Passing lanes offer a cost- effective means of improving the level of service on two- lane highways which require upgrading but don't meet warrants for twinning or where engineering, environmental or economic considerations have ruled out twinning. This paper discusses the evaluation of two low- cost experimental passing lanes which were created by re- striping the Trans- Canada Highway in Banff National Park.

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B 29398 (In: B 29371) /73 / IRRD 286240

In: Transportation toward the year 2000. Proceedings of the International Transport Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 23- 27, 1984, p.B63- B93, 10 ref. Volume V: Special Sessions and Workshops.

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