Evaluation of the transportation safety needs of older drivers. Prepared for the Southeastern Transportation Center USDOT Transportation.

Chandraratna, S. Mitchell, L. & Stamatiadis, N.

Recent statistics on population trends indicate that older drivers account for a larger and more significant portion of the driving population than in the past; this number is also expected to increase in the future. First, a survey aiming to examine and identify specific driving maneuvers whose unsuccessful undertaking can result in crashes involving these drivers was conducted. Then, an analysis was performed to evaluate potential problem maneuvers that may lead to higher crash involvement. These crashes are: 1) Left turns against oncoming traffic, 2) Gap acceptance for crossing non-limited access highways, 3) High speed lane changes on limited-access highways, and 4) Merging and weaving on limited-access highways at ramps. Older and younger drivers’ crash propensities are measured using Kentucky crash data. The findings of the analysis show that older drivers are more likely to be involved in crashes related with these maneuvers compared to younger drivers; older male drivers are safer than older female drivers in left turns and gap acceptance related crashes and having a passenger beside the older drivers makes for a safer driving environment. The findings of this study can be used to improve our understanding of the needs of elderly drivers to create a safer environment for all. Potential counter-measures aiming to reduce the accident rates of older drivers are discussed. (Author/publisher)

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C 26463 [electronic version only]

Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky, Department of Civil Engineering, 2002, VI + 85 p., 38 ref.

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