Every community needs freedom of movement.

Claxton, E.C.

The motorists has a very advantageous position compared with other road users. He require complete liberty of movement, and ignores the rights of other road user. In order to grant all road users the same rights it is essential to make a choice between "freedom of movement" and "freedom of access". In Stevenage such a separation has been established.

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B 628 (In: B 625 fo) /70 /72 / IRRD 203003

In: Proceedings of the VIIth congress of the International Union of Associations of Doctor-Motorists (IUADM) on traffic medicine, held in Amsterdam, 20-23 May 1970; Arts en Auto, Vol. 36 (1970), No. 19 (10 oktober), p. 1498-1500

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