Examination of alcohol intoxication in cases of suspected drunken drivers. II. A mathematical analysis of the relationship between the results of clinical examination and blood alcohol.

Penttilä, A. Tenhu, M. & Kataja, M.

Material of the clinical examinations of suspected drunken drivers in Finland was collected. Correlations of the test result with blood alcohol and the estimated degree of intoxication were determined. Point systems for the examination model were developed using mathematical methods. The distribution of the material according to error point values in a clinical examination and selected limit error point values on various blood alcohol levels was determined.

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6 + 14 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 5312 /83.4/

Helsinki, Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland (TALIA), 1974, 78 p., graph., tab., ref.

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