Examination of response of a skewed steel bridge superstructure during deck placement.

Norton, E.K. Linzell, D.G. & Laman, J.A.

The response of a 74.45-m (244-ft 0-in.) skewed bridge to the placement of the concrete deck was monitored to compare measured and predicted behavior. This comparison was completed to (a) determine theoretical deflections and rotations with analytical models for comparison to actual deformations monitored during construction; (b) compare the results of various levels of analysis to determine the adequacy of the methods; and (c) examine variations on the concrete placement sequence to determine the most efficient deck placement methods. Two levels of analysis were used to achieve the objectives. Level 1 was a two-dimensional finite element grillage model analyzed with STAAD/Pro. Level 2 was a three-dimensional finite element model analyzed with SAP2000. These studies are discussed and findings are presented.

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C 33082 (In: C 33074 S [electronic version only]) /24 / ITRD E828636

Transportation Research Record. 2003. (1845) pp66-75 (1 Phot., 12 Fig., 5 Tab., 13 Ref.)

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