Excellent gamer, excellent driver? The impact of adolescents' video game playing on driving behavior: A two-wave panel study.

Beullens, K. Roe, K. & Bulck, J. van den

This study explored the impact of adolescents playing of racing and driveem up games on their risky driving behavior. Participants were 354 adolescent boys and girls who took part in a longitudinal panel survey on video game playing and risk taking attitudes, intentions and behaviors. In line with cultivation theory and theory of planned behavior the results showed that (even after controlling for aggression and sensation seeking) video game playing during adolescence succeeded in predicting later risky driving behavior through adolescents attitudes and intentions to exhibit this behavior in the future. The results suggest that this relationship may in part be explained by the game content. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E158323 /83 / ITRD E158323

Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2011 /01. 43(1) Pp58-65 (43 Refs.)

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