Executive functions in the evaluation of accident risk of older drivers.

Daigneault, G. Joly, P. & Frigon, J.Y.

The main objective of these studies was to analyse the difference in driving attitude and aptitude, between two groups of elderly male drivers (65 years or more), one being accident-free and the second having three accidents or more in the last 5 years. The first study compared the driving habits of 90 older accident-free drivers with 90 drivers having a history of accidents. The second study, on a subgroup of 60 of the original 180 subjects (30 accident-free and 30 having accidents), compared cognitive function, with particular emphasis on executive functions as measured by neuropsychological tests, and attitude and self-reported driving behaviour. The results show that elderly drivers having a history of accidents, compared to the control group: (1) have poorer performance on the four cognitive measurements of executive functions; (2) report to have more prudent behaviour on the road (e.g., reducing their speed); and (3) have the intention to adopt less risky driving behaviour. This study suggests that a subgroup of the older driver population has cognitive problems and driving disabilities that cannot be compensated by apparently more careful behaviour on the road. The results confirm the importance of proper assessment of cognitive processes and underscore the potential of measuring executive functions for the evaluation of driving competence of elderly persons. (A)

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C 30657 [electronic version only]

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Vol. 24 (2002), No. 2 (April), p. 221-238, 69 ref.

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