Exercise, activity, and aging : encouraging words. A commentary on: effects of exercise on body composition and functional capacity of elderly persons.

Marottoli, R.A.

This paper make a cogent argument for the benefits of aerobic, resistance, and balance training on muscle size, strength, and daily function, as well as ancillary benefits on bone density, insulin action, and energy metabolism. A number of studies are reviewed that describe the age-associated changes in aerobic capacity, muscle size, nutrition, and balance, as well as the mechanism by which, and extent to which, exercise training ca improve these parameters and other health related outcomes. In the process, a number of observations are made about the potential clinical and societal implications of the interventions.

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C 34121 (In: C 34116) /83 / ITRD E831386

In: Mobility and transportation in the elderly, 2000, p. 91-95, 3 ref.

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