Expansion of system architecture using the object-oriented method.

Hashiguchi, N. Kishi, T. & Katsuki, S.

The Association of Electronic Technology for Automobile Traffic and Driving (JSK) formed a working group (WG) to construct a system architecture (SA) for electric vehicle (EV)-sharing systems as one part of maintenance activities for the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) onboard SA. EV-sharing systems are one of the actual applications envisioned for ITS. The new SA was constructed in reference to the ITS onboard SA. This paper discusses the following three points, representing the results and related knowledge gained through this work with respect to expansion of the ITS onboard SA. 1) One example of a maintenance procedure for the ITS onboard SA was established. 2) The key to successful research activities lies in close teamwork between the people engaged in actual application system projects and SA specialists. 3) The effectiveness of applying the object-oriented method (OOM) to the ITS onboard SA was verified. These results will be used in the future to establish SA maintenance methods and to expand the ITS onboard SA so as to make it more applicable to actual in-vehicle systems and services.

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C 33458 (In: C 26095 CD-ROM) /95 / ITRD E829896

In: ITS - Transforming the future : proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 9 p.

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