Expectancy and control : perceptual and cognitive aspects of the driving task.

Groeger, J.A.

Although familiar to some readers, it is worth rehearsing just how important a task driving is, in social, personal, and economic terms. Ideally, psychologists should be able to provide a convincing predictive description of how humans perform such tasks, but, as will emerge, the author does not think such an account is currently available. As such, understanding driver behaviour poses a considerable challenge to those of us actively engaged in research to this end. The benefits of meeting this challenge successfully will mark important progress in psychology as a whole, as well as having a profound effect at a societal level. (Author/publisher)

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20060389 ST [electronic version only]

In: Human Performance and Ergonomics, Handbook of Perception and Cognition Series, edited by P.A. Hancock, San Diego, Academic Press, 1999, 2nd edition, ISBN 0-12-322735-6, p. 243-264, 84 ref.

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