Expected changes : society, individuals. industrialized and developing nations.

Odén, B. Steen, B. Minaire, P. & Oxley, P.R.

One of themes at the conference was a plenary session concerning expected changes in society and at an individual level. The following papers were presented: The elderly in past and future perspective (Odén, B.); Expected changes in the health situation for the elderly (Steen, B.); Expected changes in the health situation for the disabled: increasing numbers ? (Minaire, P.); Expected changes in technology and transportation (Oxley, P.).

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C 4025 (In: C 4024) /72 /83 / IRRD 869597

In: COMOTRED 89 : mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons : proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-24 May 1989, p. 1-27, 11 refs.

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