Experimental analysis of emission deterioration factors for light duty catalytic vehicles Case study: Santiago, Chile.

Corvalan, R.M. & Vargas, D.

To project emissions from mobile sources over time, factors linking emission deterioration to accumulated mileage and average driving speed are required. The hypothesis tested here is that emission deterioration factors are location specific. Deterioration factors are obtained from three-way catalyst light passenger vehicles used in the Santiago, based on experimental data collected from chassis dynamometer tests. The results for THC give emission deterioration factors 2.8 times the prediction of the US EPA AP-42 model; and slightly over twice those when applying COPERT; CO emission deterioration factors are approximately 1.2 times the values obtained as per AP-42 and COPERT. (Author/publisher).

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I E118814 /15 / ITRD E118814

Transportation Research Part D. 2003 /07. 8d(4) Pp315-22 (9 Refs.)

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