Experimental brain damage from fluid pressure due to impact acceleration : study of effects of "contre-coup type" pressure changes intracranially in rabbits.


The aim of the study was to (1) design a model for production of intracranial impact acceleration fluid pressures with the "contre-coup" type pressure changes elicited intracranially in laboratory animals; (2) control and record extracranial mechanics in relation to intracranial mechanics in the developed model; and (3) evaluate some physiological and morphological responses in relation to various extracranial and intracranial mechanical parameters produced in the model.

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B 8474 (In: B 8199) /84/ IRRD 217057

In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Biomechanics of Trauma, (IRCOBI), Birmingham, 1975; p. 165-176, 5 fig., 6 graph., 43 ref.

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