An experimental evaluation of using automotive HUDs to reduce driver distraction while answering cell phones.

Nowakowski, C. Friedman, D. & Green, P.

To examine strategies for reducing driver distraction while answering the phone, 24 participants answered called while driving a simulator. Participants answered calls using a center-console mounted phone and using several phone designs which utilised a HUD to display the caller ID. Workload was manipulated by varying the curve radius and where the phone rang, either 1 second before or 5 seconds after the start of a curve. The HUD-based phones resulted in faster response times and better driving performance than the conventional center-console phone, especially for older drivers add in a % better if room. As the road curvature increased, the response times increased and the driving performance decreased when using the center-console phone. However, there was little effect on response time or driving performance due to road curvature when using the HUD-based phone. (Author/publisher)

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C 23156 [electronic version only]

In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 46th Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA, 2002, Pp., 9 ref.

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