Experimental study of pedestrian injury minimization through vehicle design.

Pritz, H.B. Hassler, C.R. Herridge, J.T. & Weis, E.B.

Three of the key results of the study are that (1) injuries to the lower body of an adult pedestrian are strongly dependent upon vehicle design: (2) the pedestrian leg injury mechanism is a complex dynamic event influenced significantly by both the bumper force and the ground friction force; and (3) a threshold tolerance value of pelvic acceleration appears to exist below which pelvic injuries do not occur.

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B 13201 (In: B 8788 [electronic version only]) /84/91/ IRRD 222025

In: Proceedings of the 19th Stapp Car Crash Conference, San Diego, November 1975, p. 725-751, 8 fig., 4 graph., 2 tab., 3 ref.; SAE paper No. 751166

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