Experimental systems analysis of delayed steering feedback.

Smith, K.U.

A behavioural cybernetic analysis has been made of feedback delays in car steering, and a theory is developed based on the design of the car as an exoskeleton of the driver, with car and driver reacting in a reciprocal interdependent way in relation to the road conditions. Different modes of vehicle feedbacks effects under different conditions are described. Steering feedbacks delays should be considered as a primary factor in determining the accuracy of driver performance. Feedback delays significantly alter the driver’s capability of projecting his steering reactions to the pattern of the simulated road. Steering feedback delays are considered to the most significant factor in motorway accidents. Implications for driver training are also discussed.

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B 881 (In: B 863) /83/ IRRD 205262

In: Psychological Aspects of Driver Behaviour, papers presented at the International Symposium on Psychological Aspects of Driver Behaviour, held at Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2-6 Augustus 1971, Volume I, 20 p.

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