Expert Workshop Nice, France, November 8-9, 1999. The "Escape" Project, Working Paper 5

Workshop on acceptance of new enforcement concepts + Working Paper 9
Christ, R.

These two Working Papers deal with an expert workshop. Working Paper 5 “Workshop on acceptance of new Enforcement concepts” is a responsibility of work-package 3, and Working Paper 9 “Results of agency workshop” is a responsibility of work-package 5. The Workshop took place in Nice, 8-9 November 1999. Work-packages 2,3,5 and 6 structured sessions during the work-shop, input and discussions overlapped the margins of work-packages and synergy effects could be achieved. Thus from the point of the author a common outline of the relevant results of this workshop seems more valuable than to divide results and discussion into two separate working-papers. The input gained from all sessions is valuable so also results of sessions conducted for work-packages 2 and 6 – which did not consider working-papers – are included in this paper, too. The document, however, has been outlined in a structure which allows to follow what has been discussed in which context. (Author/publisher) For an overview off all working papers and deliverables of the ESCAPE project, see

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[Espoo, Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT], 2001, 41 p. + app.; Contract No. RO-98-RS.3047

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