Extending the quality and quantity of traffic accident related data.

Cooper, S. & Henson, R.

This paper describes the results of the first phase of a project known as CRASH (Co-ordinated Research into Accidents on Salford's Highways). The CRASH project comprises: (1) a data linkage exercise combining accidents reported to the police with those reported through hospital attendances; (2) a survey through questionnaire/interview of casualties to assess the effect of injuries beyond the short term; and (3) an investigation of census data to allow a consideration of demographic, socioeconomic and other factors. Previous research has focused on each of the above terms. However, the significant additional objective of this project is to identify the potential for more effective accident remedial measures arising from an improvement in data accuracy and completeness. The CRASH project began in September 1995 and is programmed to last for 2 years. This paper includes a summary of previous research which supports the approach adopted by the CRASH project. A description of the database linking police and hospital data and reports on current progress and potential developments are also provided. (A)

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C 18412 (In: C 18401 S) /81 / ITRD E201784

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 9-11, 1996, VTI Konferens No. 7A, Part 2, p. 187-202, 15 ref.

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