Extending the Reach of Trans European Rail Traffic.

Elestedt, P.

For several years it has been brought forward that there is a need to develop a new traffic control system for regional lines. The introduction of ERTMS/ETCS as a European standard opened the possibility for such a development. The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is an EU-sponsored initiative to enhance cross-border interoperability and signaling system procurement by creating a single Europe-wide standard for railway signaling. Some 25 to 40% of the European railways are regional or local lines.These lines very often have old, manual or no safety and signaling systemat all. To maintain or increase the traffic on those lines is difficult or even impossible without introducing a signaling system. Even though ERTMS currently aims for traffic on high speed and TEN lines, at some point trains trafficking those lines, especially conventional passenger and freight trains, will at some point enter also regional lines. Also regional and local trains enter the TEN lines, especially at larger terminals and at stations along the TEN lines where the regional line originates.

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C 47289 (In: C 46669 CD-ROM) /73 /72 / ITRD E853009

In: ITS in daily life : proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-25, 2009, 7 p.

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