Extensive traffic calming : results of the accident analyses in 6 model towns.

Brilon, W. & Blanke, H.

This paper presents studies of the effects of extensive traffic calming measures on accident rates and traffic safety in different residential areas in six German towns. The investigations included analyses of the effects of traffic calming on the environment, traffic planning, urban development, the housing situation, and social life. The method used was first tested in a pilot study in an urban residential area, which was already equipped with extensive traffic calming measures. Police accident records were used as far as possible, and the available details of accidents in the appropriate areas were recorded. This method led to 29 accident features with 233 types. Both absolute accident rates and relative accident parameters were determined. The results are presented for periods before, during, and after reconstructing the streets in these areas. To achieve statistically significant results, the lengths of the periods strongly depended on the expected accident rates in the areas. The accident analyses showed that extensive traffic calming significantly improved traffic safety in all six towns. Although the numbers of activities could not be reduced in all traffic-calmed zones, fewer people were killed or injured there.

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C 6226 (In: C 6202) /72 /81 /82 / IRRD 869990

In: Compendium of technical papers presented at the 63rd annual Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 19-22, 1993, p. 119-123, 5 ref.

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