An eye for licence plates : vehicle identification for traffic enforcement and control.

Bosch, W.J. van den & Groenendijk, J.

The Dutch company R&H Systems BV (R&HS) has developed the Kever vehicle identification system based on a licence-plate reader. Since early 1995, the system has been used for enforcement in real-life conditions on a motorway in The Netherlands. After many tests and improvements under all weather conditions, it has been made durable and successful under almost all circumstances. It now detects all passing vehicles, and identifies them with 85-90% reliability. It has proved effective for film reading, traffic surveys, and speed control. It can be interfaced to public and private telecommunication networks, thus saving labour and speeding up law enforcement. Although it can use several detection methods, depending on the application's needs, its video-based detector is most suitable for most stationary systems. The licence-plate reader scans an image for licence plates, reads the licence number, and checks its syntax for legal values. It can be used also to control access to private parking or industrial facilities and to compare numbers with a 'black list'. Successful Kever applications include: (1) a film reader; (2) a mobile system for traffic surveys; and (3) a feedback system, which greatly reduced the number of cars exceeding the speed limit.

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C 20785 (In: C 20757) /73 / IRRD 890319

In: Traffic technology international '97, p. 278-280

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