A fact-gathering guide to assist states in developing a highway safety program.


This fact-gathering guide was developed by the Automotive Safety Foundation to assist the States and their political subdivisions in the study and evaluation of highway traffic safety activities falling within the scope of governmental responsibility, it reflects knowledge and experience gained by ASF in conducting highway safety needs studies for thezations participated. It incorporates the intent of the United States Congress in enacting the Highway Act of 1966, and the standards promulgated by the National Safety Bureau which implement this legislation. A safe and efficient highway transportation system is essential to the social and economic well-being of every State. Plans to develop such a system must be founded on the best and most current information and data available. This fact-gathering guide is designed to assist the State in their efforts to acquire this essential knowledge.

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A 2022

Washington, D.C., Automotive Safety Foundation, 1968, 230 p.

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