Factors affecting the accuracy of non-metric analytical 3-D photogrammetry, using PhotoModeler.

Switzer, D.A. & Candrlic, T.M.

In this study, specific variables affecting the accuracy of three-dimensional (3-D), non-metric, analytical photogrammetry were studied using the commercially available software package, Eos Systems' PhotoModeler. The 3-D coordinates of targets on a vehicle were first surveyed, and then photographed with standard 35 mm camera equipment. The knowledge of camera properties, the method of image generation, photograph cropping, use of fiducial markings, and the number of control points were investigated to determine their relative effects on the accuracy of the solved coordinates. The number of control points and the amount of image cropping had the largest individual effects on the overall accuracy. The most accurate cases were those with many control points, no image cropping, camera calibration, use of Kodak Photo CD image generation, and use of fiducial markings.

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C 14073 (In: C 14045 [electronic version only]) /80 / IRRD E201483

In: Accident reconstruction : technology and animation IX : papers presented at the 1999 SAE International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1-4, 1999, SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0451, p. 475-491, 11 ref.

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