Factors affecting the installation of traffic signs in Melbourne local council areas.

Ambrose, C. & Hoffmann, E.R.

Senior engineers from 46 Melbourne council areas completed a questionnaire structured to determine the following: (1) the level of recorded information kept by councils related to existing sign installation; (2) factors which influence the decision to install signs, and procedures followed in their installation; (3) the level of consistency between councils in each of the above. Results showed the amount of informa- tion kept on signs is fairly limited, being restricted mainly to sign meaning, type and date of installation. There are large numbers of councils having information either only on some signs, or none at all.

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B 30204 /73 /82 /83 /

Vermont South, Vic., Australian Road Research Board ARRB, 1986, 86 p., 4 ref.; ARRB Internal Report AIR 417-2

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