Factors affecting public transport patronage : the proceedings of a symposium held by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), Livingston, 14 June 1977.

Stirling, W.N. McTavish, A.D. White, P.R. Kilner, A.A. Stark, D.C. Bly, P.H. & Webster, F.V.

The main objective of the symposium was to review the current state of knowledge in this field, and to examine the implications for transport policy. A further objective was to inform delegates more fully about relevant TRRL activities. This report contains the papers given to the symposium, together with summaries of the discussion for each session. The papers were as follows: the need for an understanding of the factors which affect travel by public transport (Stirling, W.N.); methods of estimating passenger response to operational and fares changes (McTavish, A.D.); passenger response to service factors (White, P.R.); NBC studies of patronage and travel demand factors (Kilner, A.A.); studies of Scottish operations (Stark, D.C.); passenger response to changes in public transport - an overview (Bly, P.H.); some implications of the results of elasticity determinations (Webster, F.V.).


C 37619 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 240261

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1978, 65 p., 24 ref.; TRRL Supplementary Report ; SR 413 - ISSN 0305-1315

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