Factors influencing the number of accidents at road junctions, the accident rate and injury consequence /accident cost.

Brüde, U. & Larsson, J.

20- 25% of all road accidents in rural areas occur at junctions. The corresponding figure for urban areas is 50- 60%. The purpose of this memorandum is to survey current knowledge of the influence of different design and control on traffic safety. Most attention has been devoted to at- grade junctions. Rural junctions have received more interest than urban junctions. The survey deals only to a limited extent with the road safety situation for pedestrians and cyclists.

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B 30018 fo /82 / IRRD 808554

Linköping, Swedish Road and Traffic Research Institute VTI /Traffic Division, 1986, 15 p. Memorandum 1984- 06- 21 /dev.1986- 10- 27.

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