Facts, 1993 edition.

Fleming, A. (ed.)

These "Facts" sheets present statistics from fatal accidents that occurred in the United States in 1992 and previous years for comparison purposes, and State laws pertaining to highway safety and driving licensing. The following "Facts" sheets are included in the 1993 packet: General Facts; Alcohol; Bicycles; Children; Elderly; Large Trucks; Motorcycles; Passenger Vehicles; Pedestrians; Roadside Hazards; State by State; Teenagers; Vehicle Size; Child Restraint; Belt Laws; Driving Under the Influence DUI/Driving While Impaired DWI Laws; Helmet Use Laws; and Young Driver Laws. (A)

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C 9771 /81 /

Arlington, VA, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS, 1993, 52 p.

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