The facts about road accidents and children.

AA Motoring Trust

While the 2001 UK child road accident rate was half that in 1987, a national target has been set to halve this figure again by 2010. Disability, ethnic minority, poor play facilities, inadequate child supervision and old style housing increase the risk of accidents. The risk increases with age among school-age children especially when walking or playing outside. Boys are at more risk than girls as they are more likely to play outdoors. Children in inner city areas are at greater risk. More accidents occur in summer because of the increased hours of daylight. 11- to 12-year-old children starting secondary school are at greatest risk. Recently qualified adolescent drivers and their passengers are also at high risk. Action points are provided for parents and citizens in general.

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C 26792 [electronic version only] /81 /83 / ITRD E118501

Farnborough, Hampshire, AA Motoring Trust, 2003, 8 p.

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