Fahrsicherheitstraining als Massnahme des aktiven Risk Managements.

Aigner-Breuss, E. Brandstätter, C. Pilgerstorfer, M. Müller, A. & Gatscha, M.

In the present project named “advanced driver training to improve active risk management“, an advanced driver training has been developed, carried out and evaluated. Based on a before-after-design, self-evaluation of driving behaviour and vehicle control has been used for evaluation. Besides this, attitudes towards specific traffic situations, assessment of the advanced driver training as well as individual accident involvement were used as evaluation criteria. Although no positive outcome of the training could be pointed out in the present study, previous studies hypothesize a fundamentally positive effect of advanced driver training. For future advanced driver training programs, especially for specific target groups like crash drivers, it is suggested to focus on risk avoidance rather than on driving performance. Additionally, specific trainings for each age group should be created. The project has been supported by VSF (Österreichischer Verkehrssicherheitsfonds) part of the ministry of traffic, innovation and technology and carried out by IFST (Initiative für Fahrsicherheitstraining zur Förderung der Verkehrssicherheit; project leader), KFV (Austrian Road Safety Board), ÖAMTC, ARBÖ, Test and Training International and Wr. Städtische Versicherung AG. (Author/publisher)


20160693 ST [electronic version only]

Wien, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie BMVIT, 2011, 57 p., 15 ref.; Forschungsarbeiten des österreichischen Verkehrssicherheitsfonds ; Band 009

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