Fatal accident reporting system 1982 : an overview of U.S. traffic fatal accident and fatality data collected in the U.S. for the year 1982.

National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA)

Significant statistics on fatal accidents in the U.S. in 1982 are presented in this report which describes the collection of data by the Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) and highlights facts on safety belt usage, alcohol involvement, fatality reduction and other characteristics. The eleven chapters of the book cover the following areas: Fatality Reduction 1980-1982 (fatality trends, demographic factors, sex, vehicle occupant fatalities, location, day and time); Alcohol and Safety Belts (alcohol, restraint use, day and time, age, safety belts); Fatality Profile (fatal accident characteristics); State Statistics; Accidents (collisions, highway and environment); vehicles (passenger cars, motorcycles, light trucks, medium tracks, heavy trucks, school buses); Occupants (motorcycle riders); Non Occupants (pedestrians pedalcyclists, others); Puerto Rico; Selected Comparisons 1975-1982 (total fatalities, fatalities per vehicle mile travelled, fatality per licensed driver, driver age); classifications (persons by injury severity, vehicles by damage severity, accidents by injury severity, accidents by damage severity, accidents by number of vehicles involved, accidents by first harmful event, accidents by location, motor vehicle classifications). Definitions used in FARS are included in a glossary. Forms used for reporting 1982 accidents are appended.

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B 24163 MF [electronic version only] /81/

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1984, 104 p., 79 fig., 75 tab., 2 app.; DOT HS 806 566

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