Fatal accidents involving heavy goods vehicles in Great Britain 1991-1993.

Robinson, B.J.

This paper presents the findings from a detailed study of over 1,000 fatal accidents involving at least one heavy goods vehicle (HGV). Accidents involving HGVs and various road-user fatalities (car occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians, etc.) are discussed and the potential of various HGV-based countermeasures assessed. The main focus is on potential improvements to the design and construction of HGVs, but the report also considers the role of driver behaviour, vehicle defects, etc. in the accidents studied. National estimates of the potential benefits of various HGV-based countermeasures are presented. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116488.

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C 25583 (In: C 25556) /80 /81 / ITRD E116515

In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA) dedicated conference on road and vehicle safety, Florence, Italy, 16th - 19th June 1997, p. 319-326, 4 ref.

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