Fatal and injury accident rates on federal-aid and other highway systems 1977 + 1979.


B 22044 a (1977): This publication contains data on fatal and injury accidents and fatally and nonfatally injured persons involved in motor vehicle traffic accidents for calendar year 1977. The 1977 data are classified, as were the 1976 data, by the realigned highway systems described below. Because of reporting problems related to the transition to new system definitions in 1976, complete data are not available for all highway systems. B 22044 b (1979): This publication contains data on fatal and injury accidents and fatally and nonfatally injured persons involved in motor vehicle traffic accidents for calendar year 1979. The 1979 data are classified, as were the 1976 data, by the realigned highway systems described below. Because of reporting problems related to the transition to new system definitions in 1976, complete data are not available for all highway systems. Beginning with this report, the definition of a fatal injury has been changed and is defined as any injury which results in death within 30 days of the accident. The 1978 and earlier reports in this series defined a fatal injury as any injury that resulted in death within one year of the accident.

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B 22044 [electronic version only] /81 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Office of Highway Safety, 1980 + 1981, 41 + 42 p.

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