Fatal collisions 2008-2012 : alcohol as a factor.

Road Safety Authority (RSA)

Over the time period 2008 to 2012, 983 fatal collisions occurred on Irish roads claiming the lives of 1,077 people. This report examines 867 of the fatal collisions which occurred during this time period specifically focusing on the role of alcohol as a contributory factor in a fatal collision. The road collision database in Ireland is created using a form called a C(T)68 forwarded to the Road Safety Authority (RSA) from An Garda Síochána. The information provided in this form is based on preliminary information collected at the scene of a collision and does not constitute the findings of the final investigation. The RSA issues reports regularly using the data contained in this database as the best available representation of fatal and injury collisions. However, this report is based on an analysis of the completed Garda investigation file where the full circumstances of the collisions are available. Access was granted by An Garda Síochána to the completed Investigation File produced for each collision. The file contains two main reports: 1. An Garda Síochána Investigation Report 2. Forensic Collision Investigation Report (FCI) The RSA collected the data in the Garda National Traffic Bureau. This report provides an analysis of the data by collision, by vehicle and by contributory factor. Therefore, the figures and totals will change depending on the category. In the period 2008 to 2012, alcohol was cited as a contributory factor in 330 (38%) of the 867 collisions for which files were available for analysis. This figure is based on both confirmed alcohol results for the driver, motorcyclist, pedestrian or cyclist and/or the attending Garda’s opinion. In certain circumstances, it was not possible to test the suspected driver for alcohol for reasons such as the driver leaving the scene, difficulty in identifying the driver at the scene, medical consent for alcohol testing being refused and refusing to provide a sample. In these circumstances the Garda’s opinion at the scene, witness statements and in some instances admission by the driver of alcohol consumption indicated alcohol as a contributory factor for the collision. In total 250 drivers (222 motor vehicle, 28 motorcyclists) had consumed alcohol prior to the collision. As a proportion of all 867 fatal collisions analysed, this indicates 29% involved at least one driver or motorcyclist with a record of alcohol consumption prior to the collision. This highlights the fact that a high level of drink driving is still evident in Ireland. All of these drivers were deemed culpable or part culpable for the collision through their behaviour on the road prior to the collision. A further 9% of the 867 fatal collisions were caused by a pedestrian who had consumed alcohol. Of the 867 files available for analysis, 164 fatal collisions involved a pedestrian over the age of 17. Eighty one (49%) of these pedestrians were killed in circumstances where their alcohol consumption was deemed in full or part to have contributed to the collision. To have a confirmed presence of alcohol, there must have been at least 20 mg or greater of alcohol in a blood or 27 mg or greater in a urine sample or a failed breathalyser test set at the prevailing legal limit at the time of the collision. At the time of the analysis a record of a toxicology report was available in the file for 198 (79%) of the 250 drivers. This does not imply that a record of a test was never available or toxicology never taken, just that at the time of analysis there was no copy for verification in the investigation report. Of the 198 drivers with a confirmed presence of alcohol, 174 (70%) were over the prevailing legal limit at the time of the collision. This was determined by taking into account the change in alcohol limits for all drivers, novice and professional drivers (see methodology). As a portion of all 867 collisions analysed 174 (20%) collisions involved a driver over the legal limit at the time of the collision. Half (50%) of all drivers (car, van, HGV, agricultural) and motorcyclists with a confirmed presence of alcohol had a blood alcohol level in excess of 201mg. This equates to over four times the current drink driving limit. A quarter of drivers (26%) compared to 23% of motorcyclists had a blood alcohol level recorded in excess of 251 mg. This indicates that a quarter of drivers were five times over the current legal limit and a fifth of motorcyclists were five times over the current legal limit at the time of the collision. The greatest proportion of those in the 16 to 24 and 25 to 34 age groups had in excess of 201 mg of alcohol in their system. Forty seven percent of the drivers aged between 16 and 24 years and 57% of the drivers between 25 and 34 had in excess of 201mg. Those in the 16 to 24 and 25 to 34 year age groups show consistently higher blood alcohol levels than older age groups. This is of particular note when the BAC level is recorded as 151 mgs and higher Almost a third (31%) of the motorcyclists aged between 25 to 34 age group had a BAC of 201 to 250 mg. A quarter (25%) of pedestrians had a BAC in excess of 201mg and a further 28% had a BAC in excess of 251mg. This highlights that over half (52%) of the pedestrians were on the road with a BAC in excess of 201mg. The majority of all drivers, motorcyclists and pedestrians involved in fatal collisions with a confirmed blood alcohol record had a BAC of greater than 101mg. Over the time period 2008 to 2012, 250 drivers (222 motorists, 28 motorcyclists) had a record of alcohol consumption prior to the collision. As a result of a collision with one of these 250 drivers, 286 people were killed and 69 were seriously injured. Four cyclists and 76 pedestrians were killed where their own alcohol intake was a contributory factor in the collision. Of the 84 motorcyclists killed over the 5 year period, 25 (30%) were killed in a collision where alcohol was a contributory factor. Of the 196 passengers killed over the 5 year period, 83 (42%) were killed in a collision where alcohol was a contributory factor. Of the 169 drivers who were killed, 155 (92%) were drivers who had consumed alcohol. Of the 28 collisions where alcohol was the sole contributory factor, 30 people were killed (24 drivers, 3 motorcyclists, 3 passengers). Four were seriously injured. Half of the 330 collisions where alcohol was a factor involved a single vehicle and a quarter involved a pedestrian. Of all vehicles involved in the 867 collisions analysed, 194 (24%) of the private car drivers, 22 (24%) of the van drivers, 28 (29%) of the motorcyclists and 5 (28%) of the tractor drivers had consumed alcohol prior to the collision. Of the 250 collisions, 59% involving a driver and 50% involving a motorcyclist who had consumed alcohol occurred between 8pm and 4am. There was a peak in collisions for a driver between 2 and 3am and peak between 5 and 6 pm for motorcyclists. Sunday followed by Saturday were the most frequent days of collisions. Fifty seven percent of the motorcyclists crashed on a Sunday compared to 29% of the drivers. A motorcyclist is more likely to crash on a Sunday, in particular between 5 and 6pm. Overall, the pattern of collisions increase from 9pm on a Friday evening to 5 am on a Monday morning. More drivers crashed in February, March and October compared to July and May for motorcyclists. This indicates a greater risk for motorcyclists in the summer months compared to winter months for other drivers. The top four counties where alcohol was a factor in single vehicle or two vehicle collisions were Cork, Galway, Donegal and Cavan. Almost half (48%) of all collisions occurred on a Regional road, and a further third (34%) on a National route. Overall, the speed limits would suggest 19% of alcohol related collisions occurred in an urban area and 81% on a more rural environment. The weather was recorded as dry and dark at the time of the majority of collisions. The majority of drivers who had consumed alcohol were male. Almost half (43%) of the drivers who had consumed alcohol were aged between 16 and 24 years. Overall, three quarters (74%) of the drivers (motorcyclists included) who had consumed alcohol were aged between 16 and 34 years. Almost half of the drivers of a private car who had consumed alcohol were aged between 16 and 24 years. By contrast the majority (57%) of motorcyclists who had consumed alcohol were aged between 25 and 34 years. Those aged 16 to 24 years were more likely to have been in a single vehicle collision and a pedestrian or cyclist collision. The majority of the drivers who had consumed alcohol were on the road for social purposes, however, 3 were driving for work at the time of the collision. Almost a third (31%) of the drivers who had consumed alcohol had no insurance and 16% had no record of a licence at the time of the collision. Of the 165 recorded as having a licence and who had consumed alcohol, 75% held a full licence, 15% were on a Learners Permit and 7% were disqualified at the time of the collision. Of the 25 on a Learner Permit, 12 were on a first permit (3 unaccompanied), 3 were on a second permit and two were recorded as expired. Six of the drivers had held their Permit for less than 6 months. Two of the 123 drivers recorded as holding a full licence had a previous history of disqualification and two of the eleven drivers who were disqualified at the time of the collision had a history of disqualification. This indicates repeat offenders on the road. The main action indicated for the driver who had consumed alcohol was loss of control of the vehicle (66%) and a further 14% crossed to the wrong side of the road, in effect suggesting a loss of control of the vehicle. Other actions indicated included a failure to observe or stop/yield, improper overtaking and dangerous behaviour. Of the 164 collisions where loss of control was cited, the majority (137) occurred in single vehicle collisions. An examination of the single vehicle collisions with regard to pre-crash behaviour indicated they were primarily due to poor road use behaviour and not suicide as is often suggested. While a minor number may have a suggestion of suicidal intent, none were classified as such by the Coroner’s office. All indications including the number of passengers on board, the behaviour observed prior to the collision and the type of action being performed at the time of collision would corroborate this verdict. Twenty eight of the 250 collisions cited alcohol as the only contributory factor. An additional 3 had alcohol and a vehicle factor noted (2 with worn tyres) A combination of speed, drugs, fatigue, distraction and dangerous behaviour were other pre-crash behaviours observed. Overall, 196 drivers in the 867 collisions analysed were recorded as not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the collision, 111(57%) had consumed alcohol prior to the collision. Ninety six (86%) of the 111 drivers were killed, twenty five of whom were fully ejected and a further 7 were partially ejected. Of all 174 passengers in the 867 collisions recorded as not wearing a seatbelt 87 (50%) of these had consumed or were suspected of consuming alcohol. Forty four (51%) of the 87 were killed, 26 of whom were ejected. These figures may indicate the consumption of alcohol by a driver or passenger has an impact on their decision to use a seatbelt. (Author/publisher)


20160562 ST [electronic version only]

Ballina, Road Safety Authority (RSA), 2016, 76 p., 14 ref.

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