The feasibility of per se drugged driving legislation : consensus report.


In an effort to examine current public policy on drugged driving, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Substance Abuse Policy Research Program provided funding to The Walsh Group P.A. and The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Substance Abuse in the Fall of 2000. The objectives of the grant were to review state laws regarding drugged driving, and to convene meetings of experts (Police, Judges, Prosecutors, Health & Safety, Constituent Groups, etc.) in a consensus development process to explore how these laws might be made more effective. The specific goals of this public policy research project were: 1) to evaluate the feasibility of per se drugged driving legislation as a prevention strategy to improve traffic safety (i.e. reduce crashes) and deter illegal drug use by drivers; and 2) to examine how these laws might function as a trigger for court-ordered drug treatment and education programs.

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C 28365 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E821381

Bethesda, MS, The Walsh Group, 2002, 15 p., 18 ref.

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