A feasibility study on small safety vehicles.

Serizawa, Y.

Typical features of the Nissan safety vehicle are (1) occupant protection in 65 km/h frontal barrier collection; (2) fire prevention; (3) improved pedestrian safety; (4) better visibility; (5) steering stability; and (6) emission conrtol. However, the development of a small safety vehicle is no easy matter. The attaiment of all target performance criteria in the Nissan safety vehicle involves more difficulties than expected.

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B 13923 (In: B 7042 [electronic version only]) /91.1/ IRRD 231601

In: Report on the 5th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, London, England,June 4-7, 1974; p. 959-973, 6 fig., 10 graph., 2 tab.

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