Federal Office of Road Safety FORS serious injury database : 1993 tabulations.

INTSTAT Australia Pty Ltd Attewell, R.G. & Traficante, R.

This report represents a general set of tabulations for 1993 from the serious injury database compiled by the Federal Office of Road Safety (FORS). More specific review of the 1993 police serious crash data will be provided within FORS' annual statistical series `Road Crashes Resulting in Hospitalisations', together with analysis of hospital data for that year about road crash admissions. The serious injury database is compiled by FORS from records provided by state and territory governments that are derived from local data sets of police records of road crashes resulting in death of hospitalisation. Differences between the source data sets cause the database some unavoidable limitations in scope and precision. Nevertheless it represents the only national collection of police data about fatal and serious road crashes, giving national data for 30 key items about the circumstances of each crash and the vehicles, operators and casualties involved.

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952418 ST [electronic version only]

Canberra, ACT, Federal Office of Road Safety FORS, 1995, IX + 103 p.; Report No. OR 18 - ISSN 0158-3077

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